Wednesday, December 11, 2013

spring comes after winter

outside my window i saw an old willow tree withered, covered in snow. It was not so much of beauty as i saw right when i woke up from my bed in the morning. Yeah, anyway, I smelt some egg outside. Mom must have cooked for us. we all know her cooking skill but yeah, eggs in the morning wont do any harm right? I am hungry.

it was pleasant, as always, dad was sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. I saw my sister, well dressed, sitting sleepily on her seat on the dining table. Me, i just woke up with my hair all messy but awake. Mom, she looks alright, as always, clean, well maintain hair and her apron.

Yesterday night was, really creepy. I felt the earth shook badly. The whole house shook and i started to saw cracks on the wall of the second floor, my room. The bed and furnitures did move on its own because of the earthquake. It was my first, it made me feel dizzy, like vertigo? i thought so. Dad said we all could be dead, however, he managed to do things fast, thus, it was all are save now.

about my crush, he is with someone now. FINALLY, I Can seriously move on. im still jobless but yeah, i am not worry anymore. it is almost the end of 2013. I would never know what is going to happened. but yeah, happy that i certainly knew a few people does care for me.
this time around not so much of feelings would be incorporated into anything in my life related to human beings. i hope some good ones really go for me. i dont know. HE knows best.
errmm, i still cant see my crush. but its ok. he is fine too. we'll see what shits await. This crush was not bad at all,  i wasnt loosing or not attractive or anything though. my crush may have a crush for me too at first. but yeah, he knows me too well or what. but i do know he is not yet my cup. i do believe my mistake was i tried to please him so much till i dont know who was i. it was funny. i apologized so much by then. it was funny how love made you became so stupid, i never thought i could be that omg..
about my love, it was basically clear in my mind how was it and too long to be described.

first love was just meant to fall.
could not agree less.

this is the end of my love story for my lovely JACK. will soon gonna open and write another chapter of adventure. finding the true love? or what you call it? trust, care and share. ROBERT, WHERE R U? LOL